Our company and offer for you

The Arndt-Verlag bei AVES Publishing e.K. has been the market leader in publications on bird keeping and bird breeding for over 30 years.


The brands


The media brands Gefiederte Welt, PAPAGEIEN and WP-Magazin are published. The "Gefiederte Welt" is the oldest trade journal about keeping and breeding of feathered animals (founded 1872). "PAPAGEIEN" is Europe's leading trade journal for breeders and keepers of parrots with a worldwide respected reputation. The "WP-Magazin Wellensittich & Papageien" is the best-selling home bird keeping magazine in the whole German-speaking area.


The brands unite the largest European advertising market in the industry. And they achieve the highest reach figures with their digital media (website, newsletter, e-shop, social media). They have a leading position in the specialist book market.


In the "Akademie für Vogelhaltung", all three brands offer professional training for their respective target groups. Whether seminars, workshops or practice days, the academy promotes specialist knowledge and the exchange with professionals.


An experienced team of keepers and breeders, biologists and ornithologists, accompanied by a council of experts, ensures the quality of the media and the Academy with pleasure and expertise.


The products


In the Arndt-Verlag bei AVES Publishing e.K. you can expect the largest assortment for more knowledge and specialist information: For all those who want to discover the world of birds with words and pictures. Our growing book programme, the magazines, the specialist poster series and the calendars are to be mentioned first and foremost. With the popular cup and glass edition as well as other aficionado products, we also shape the everyday life of bird lovers and are happy to present the richness of the feathered species. All products are available in the publisher's own online shop as well as in retail stores. We ship worldwide to our valued customers.

Our history

Arndt-Verlag – the history


In the series “Papageien und Großsittiche – unser Hobby“ (Parrots and large parakeets – our hobby) the third volume by Thomas Arndt on south American parakeets (Volume 3: Keilschwanzsittiche i.e.S., Horst-Müller-Verlag, Bomlitz, 1981, ISBN 3-923269- 02-1) is published.


The series “Papageien und Großsittiche – unser Hobby“ was supplemented by Thomas Arndt with volumes 4 and 5 (Südamerikanische Sittiche. Band 4: Rotschwanzsittiche – Pyrrhura, Horst-Müller- Verlag, Bomlitz, 1983, ISBN 3-923269- 07-2, und Südamerikanische Sittiche. Band 5: Schmalschnabelsittiche usw., Horst-Müller-Verlag, Bomlitz, 1983, ISBN 3-923269- 09-9).


The book “Papageien – ihr Leben in Freiheit“ (Parrots – Their life in the wild) by Thomas Arndt was published by Horst- Müller-Verlag, Bomlitz, 1986, ISBN 3-923269- 25-0.


The book “Papageien – ihr Leben in Freiheit“ by Thomas Arndt appeared in three translations: in English (“Parrots – their life in the Wild“), in Danish (“Papegøjer – deres liv i naturen“) and in Dutch (“Papegaaien – hun leven invrijheid“). All three titles were published by Horst-Müller- Verlag in Bomlitz.


Thomas Arndt and Horst Müller establish “Verlag Arndt & Müller“. The printer and distributor was 
Horst Müller (Bomlitz) and the publisher Thomas Arndt (Bretten).


The journal PAPAGEIEN was launched initially with four issues annually.

The book "Alexandersittiche" by Dr. Hans Strunden, ISBN 3-923269-39-0 and the series "Enzyklopädie der Papageien und Sittiche" is supplemented by the noble parrots by Dr. Angelika Fergenbauer-Kimmel, ISBN 3-923269-13-7.


The first PAPAGEIEN calendar is published.


The first magazine for aviculturists„WP-Magazin“ (Budgerigar and Parrot  Magazine) is set up.

The printer/distributor and publisher is Thomas Arndt.


WP-Magazine appeared initially with four issues per year.


Arndt-Verlag takes up its new premises in Bretten.

The standard work “Lexikon der Papageien“ in 4 volumes (Arndt-Verlag, Bretten,
1996, ISBN 3-9805291- 0-X) and its English version “Lexicon of Parrots“ in 4
volumes (translated by Tony Pittman) (Arndt-Verlag, Bretten, 1996, ISBN 3-9805291-
1-8) are published.


The series “Papageienkunde – Parrot Biology“, published by Thomas Arndt, Ralph Schmidt and Werner Lantermann is started.


The first Loro Parque Fundación + PAPAGEIEN Workshop takes place in Loro Parque.

The book series "PAPAGEIEN" starts with the book by Doris Dühr: Emergency help for parrots and parakeets, ISBN 3-9805291-4-2.


Thomas Arndt publishes "Wellensittiche", the first CD-ROM of the Arndt-Verlag, ISBN 3-9805291- 7-7, and two further volumes of the book series "PAPAGEIEN" are added.

"Die Ernährung der Papageien und Sittiche" by Hans-Jürgen Künne, ISBN 3-9805291-5-0 and "Kunstbrut und Handaufzucht von Papageien und Sittiche" by Matthias Reinschmidt, ISBN 3-9805291-6-9.

The book "Unser Mohrenkopfpapagei" by Rudolf K. Wagner, ISBN 3-9806114-5-0 is published by Michael Biedenbänder.

The book series PAGEIEN is supplemented by "Obst, Gemüse und exotische Früchte für Papageien und Sittiche" (Fruit, vegetables and exotic fruits for parrots and parakeets) by Volker Würth, ISBN 3-9805291-9-3.

The book series "Enzyklopädie der Papageien und Sittiche" is completed by the last volume 14 on noble parakeets by Jörg and Renate Ehlenbröker, Eckhard Lietzow, ISBN 3-923269-17-X and the first German translation of the standard work Australian Parrots Volume 1 by Joseph M. Forshaw, ISBN 3-9808245-1-9 is published.

Also volume 2 Australian parrots by Joseph M. Forshaw appears in the German translation, ISBN 3-9808245-2-7.


Thomas Arndt and Matthias Reinschmidt publish the first volume of “Amazonen“ (Band 1: Freileben – Haltung – Ernährung – Zucht, Arndt-Verlag, Bretten, 2006, ISBN 3-9808245- 5-1).


Thomas Arndt and Matthias Reinschmidt publish the second volume of Amazons in the book series "PAPAGEIEN" (Volume 2: Species - Subspecies - special needs, ISBN 978-3- 9808245-8- 3).

The luxury volume "Parrots Down Under" by Julia and Roland Seitre is published, ISBN 978-3-9813383-0-0. 

In the book series "PAPAGEIEN" "Agaporniden 1 und Agaporniden 2" by Dirk van den Abeele, ISBN 978-3-9813383-1-7 and 978-3-9813383-3-1 are published.


Start of the series "taxonomische Poster“ (taxonomic posters).

The book "Beschäftigung für Papageien und Sittiche" by Carolin Wagner, ISBN 978-3-9813383-4-8, is published in the book series "PAPAGEIEN".

In the book series "PAPAGEIEN" the book is published: "Langflügelpapageien und andere afrikanische Papageien" by Jörg Asmus and Werner Lantermann, ISBN 978-3-9814787-6-1 

The Arndt-Verlag now operates under the name Arndt-Verlag e.K. and changes ownership. 
The new publisher and publishing director is now René Wüst.
Thomas Arndt remains publisher of the specialist journal PAPAGEIEN and WP-Magazin.

The first calendar: "Wilde Papageien" is published.

The visual appearance of the publishing house is modernized.

The online presence of the publishing house is completely renewed and expanded with additional functions. 

The publishing house becomes a member of the Südwestdeutscher Zeitschriftenverleger-Verband e.V. (SZV), the Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (VDZ) and the Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz e.V. (ZGAP).

The magazine PAPAGEIEN and the WP-Magazin appear in a completely new layout.

All of our own books and magazines, as well as posters and other print products are now only printed on FSC paper, i.e. paper from sustainable forestry, or climate-neutral.

The first Loro Parque Fundación & WP Workshop takes place at Loro Parque. The workshop for keepers.

The publishing house becomes a member of the Zentralverband Zoologischer Fachbetriebe Deutschland e.V. (ZZF) and the Dachverband der Tierhalter e.V. (DV-TH).

The first cooperation event "Tierhaltertag" with the Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG) takes place under the direction of Prof. Dr. Michael Lierz in the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen.

The first specialist poster in cooperation with the EAZA-Parrot-TAG is published.

Formal takeover of the publishing program of the Horst Müller Verlag, the Horst Müller Fachbuchhandel and the parrot titles of the Verlag Michael Biedenbänder. The best known book series of the Horst Müller-Verlag is probably the "Encyclopedia of Parrots and Parakeets". 

Formal takeover of the publishing programme of CS-Hammer Publishing, which is now expanding the publishing programme thematically with the bilingual children's learning book series.

A monthly digital information service is introduced with the newsletters of WP-Magazin and PAPAGEIEN. 

The publishing house becomes a member of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V..

The publishing house celebrates its 30th company anniversary - and thus at the same time also the trade journal PAPAGEIEN.

The publishing house becomes a member of the Bundesverband für fachgerechten Natur-, Tier- und Artenschutz e.V. (BNA)

The social media presence of the publishing house and its titles exceeds the 15,000 followers mark for the first time.

Foundation of the "Akademie für Vogelhaltung".

In the anniversary year of the WP-Magazin (25th anniversary) the guide series starts with the first book title, written by the WP author Jennifer Gekeler: "Kreative Beschäftigung für Papageien, Sittiche & Co.


With the title "Haltung von Weißbauchpapageien" by WP author Diana Eberhardt the next book in the series follows immediately.

Acquisition of the journal "Gefiederte Welt" from the Eugen Ulmer Verlag. The editor is now René Wüst.

The newsletter of the journal "Gefiederte Welt" is introduced as a monthly information service exclusively for the subscribers of the journal.

With the technical book "Vogelfutterpflanzen aus Natur und Garten" by Bärbel Oftring and Prof. Dr. Petra Wolf, the traditional book edition of the brand Gefiederte Welt is continued. 

The publishing house becomes a member of the Deutsche Fachpresse.

The social media presences of the publishing house and its titles exceed the 20,000 followers mark. The newsletters also unite over 20,000 recipients.

New publications: The 2020 edition is the first calendar to be published in the Gefiederte Welt edition.


In the WP guide series, the book "Kreatives Kochen für Papageien, Sittiche & Menschen" by Diana Eberhardt is published.

The "Akademie für Vogelhaltung" conducts professional and state-approved advanced training courses for veterinarians, official veterinarians as well as employees in species and nature conservation authorities. The first specialist seminar is also held at the University of Gießen.


A premiere: The special issue on nutrition (SPECIAL ISSUE NUTRITION) is the first English-language, international edition of the journal PAPAGEIEN in its 30-year history. The editorial management is in the hands of Prof. Dr. Petra Wolf. 

The WP-Magazin guidebook series continues at the start of the year with the new book "Houseplants in Birdkeeping".

In the special issue series of the professional journal PAPAGEIEN, the issue "Jungvögel" (Young Birds) is published.

Thomas Arndt publishes further posters on systematics and taxonomy, including  lories (Hypocharmosyna) and cockatoos.

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