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L. Proscurcin: Entdecke die Kolibris

Language: German
12,80 €
Tax amount 0,84 €



Discover the hummingbirds


Hummingbirds are often called flying gems - and rightly so, because the little bundles of energy shimmer in all colours! But they are not only beautiful, they also possess amazing properties and show fascinating behaviour.


In this book you will learn everything about these likeable flying artists. How and what do hummingbirds eat? Do they go on long hikes? Which is the smallest, which the largest species? What do they build their tiny nests from? Find out the answers to these and all other questions about hummingbirds here!


·        Born to fly

·        Eating like the gods

·        See, smell, hear: The senses of the hummingbirds

·        Diversity and records

·        Of enemies and dangers

·        Hummingbirds and humans

·        Even more flower birds


Extra: Big hummingbird quiz


56 pages

colour photos throughout

large format: 20,7 x 28 cm, hardcover


Language: German